Every girl needs a good guy, to help her laugh when she thinks she'll never smile again

Too bad I fell for it
Måndagsmorgonar måste vara det värsta som finns.. Försov mig imorse så jag varken hann duscha eller äta frukost, bra start på dagen! Fick alldeles nyss veta att jag inte heller har någon italienska.. så nu har jag hål fram till 12, skönt!

Somehow through the days I don't give in, I hide my tears that wait within. But then through sleepless nights, I cry again
Just so you know, this feeling's taking control of me
Efter att ha haft sällskap av världens finaste hela kvällen så säger jag nu godnatt. Har en dryg dag framför mig imorgon.. Prov, körlektion, ärenden som måste göras, osv. Kommer bli en sjukt lång dag känner jag.. Så kanske bäst att få lite sömn, puss på er!
While waiting for the moment to come, another day has gone
Yes we could try, like we tried before

But it's too late now to say, all the wonderful things that I thought of you.

Anyone can make you smile, but not everybody can make you happy

They say talk is cheap. I guess thats why I bought every word you said

I could hold you for a million years, to make you feel my love

And as you move on, remember me. Remember us and all we used to be

I find myself just filling my time, with anything to keep the thought of you from my mind

Har krypit ner i min nybäddade säng och slagit på ett avsnitt utav one tree hill. Efter det så ska jag försöka sova, puss på er!
Who says I can't be free, from all of the things that I used to be